Friday, December 6, 2019

Team Code of Conduct Mobile App for Charity Organisation

Question: Discuss about theTeam Code of Conduct Mobile App for Charity Organisation. Answer: Introduction The team has been working on building up an app for the charity organisation where there will be focus on meeting the requirements of quality, timeliness and quantity. This is through the positive team attitude along with increased productivity of the team members. There are section details to hold the focus on completing the different set of action points which fosters team collaboration. Each group member will be focusing on achieving the primary goal of the project with diligence. The contribution and accountability endeavours to the group meetings for producing a higher quality of work where there are different assigned tasks at every level. Background The focus of the team work is to handle the projects which is able to outline the different requirements for the operations, the team is going to work on. There have been essential requirements where the team members need to work on the expectation of the project to build up a mobile application. The application developed will be a Free App and will not be for the generation of any revenue rather to help the needy people with supporting arguments that justify the development and the maintenance cost of the android app. Purpose The major purpose of the report has been how Honey Badgers (Name of our team) is going to work and interact on the different ideas for the mobile application for a charity organisation. This will help in carrying out a better understanding among us. The team wants to instil in people, the values for helping the unprivileged people through the development of a non-profitable android application. The communication for the android app development is important as there are different factors which strive for communication depending upon the group meetings. Each team member will have to work on the different opportunities along with being prepared for the different questions raised. For a better communication working environment, the members need to respect the other group members with managed time and focus to present the different facts. The members need to also handle the individual views and open mindedness so that they are able to openly discuss about the different aspects of the proj ect. Solution The solution to every situation is through team meetings which focus on the targeting of a current issues along with making a physical connection to the donating activity. The work will be capitalising on the actions, along with assuring the team communication at every level and updating about every change. The team can work on Skype for urgent discussions and meeting attendance as per the requirement. The team members need to be on time along with commencing the work which they have been allocated. There is a need to focus on the different tasks as well as devoting time for the android app. The solution could be best managed through a structure for every meeting to set a particular agenda. This will help in setting the actions points for the next meeting, thereby, ending the agenda of the previous meeting. The communication and the decision making process is the best action point allocation by the team members. Project Schedule The schedule of the project is by handling the team meeting strategy where the entire structure has been to work on the evaluation methods along with their implementation. The structure has been productive enough to keep the meetings set through a defined effectiveness on the topic. Meeting Structure and Delivery Considering the distribution of the team, the team meetings are important to be held on Skype as and when so needed. There is a possibility of the conference calls so that the team members can update about the changes. For a proper scheduled criteria of the project, there is a need to focus on: The reviewing of the previous actions which have been performed and how the project needs to be implemented further. Reviewing the entire schedule which fits the different team members. The reviewing and discussion of all the risks and issues related to the project application, which are possible while developing the android application. There is a need to focus on the different action items in the app which will be helpful and easy to be accessed by the normal user. The assigning of the tasks and completing them on their allocated time is important for easy and successful completion of the project. The meeting of evaluations through a well-defined structure planning. Evaluation of the Project The evaluation is based on setting the structure of the meeting with the handling of improvements with set structure which could be used for meeting format or the structure. The session for the team members includes the ranking for the different questions like the meeting of the requirements, member participation in the different events, the purpose of the meeting and the structure of the same. The project evaluation also focuses on the topics which adhere to the code of conduct. With different roles and responsibilities, the team needs to focus on the agenda items which handles the integrity of the structure along with the decisions that are obvious for the team members. Conclusion The major focus of the entire project is bringing out a team work through proper communication and decision making process. It is only possible to follow the responsibilities, if the person is bound to work for the same. The major role is to undertake the different actions along with keeping an open mind so that all the doubts regarding the project are clear from starting. The participation and avoidance of the conflict situations will help in clarified understanding. With the project start, the objective for the project should be clear to all the members so that there are no conflicts in the end. The sticking to the schedule and allotting the time to the different members for a task should be equal without any discrepancy. The starting on time and ending on time responsibility helps in easy follow-up of the document factors with tasks delegations. Reference Conducting a Meeting The Role of the Chairperson 2011, viewed 1st August 2013,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ meeting.html. Crow, K 2001, TEAM GROUNDRULES, DRM Associates, viewed 1st August 2013, https://www.npdà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Establishing ground Rules for Groups 2013, viewed 1st August 2013, David, F. and David, F.R., 2016. Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases. Team Code of Ethics 2012, viewed 1st August 2013, Ten Strategies for Conflict Resolution 2013, viewed 1st August 2013, Gersick, C.J., 1988. Time and transition in work teams: Toward a new model of group development.Academy of Management journal,31(1), pp.9-41.

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