Sunday, December 22, 2019

Cyber Bullying Among Our Children - 1617 Words

Kids and young teenagers like to use their cell phones and go online to email, video chat, watch videos, instant message, play games, and do homework. But occastionally the way they talk to one another can get scary or mean. Because so much communication is done online, and over text message its really important for kids to acknowledge that their words can cause unintentional harm. Ones intentions, accompanying the state of their behavior, are important factors in deciding whether or not cyberbullying occurred. Occasionally being mean is accidental, but when kids use the Internet and cell phones to purposely upset someone else over and over, thats cyberbullying. Advice kids to establish affinity for others. Talk to your kids and explain†¦show more content†¦Part of this stems from the newness of research in this area. Part of this also stems from the fact that perpetrators are often anonymous, and victims are often unwilling to come forward for fear that their parents will protect them by revoking their computer privileges. We do know, however, that cyber bullying occurs most frequently among middle school students, particularly those in seventh and eighth grades. Researchers have also found a link between cyber bullying and social anxiety. Both victims and perpetrators have higher levels of social anxiety than individuals not involved with cyber bullying. For victims of cyber bullying, heightened levels of social anxiety are not all that surprising when one considers that almost 50% of the individuals in one study did not know the identity of the person who cyber bullied them. The suffering experienced at the hands of bullies can l ead some victims to commit suicide, or as it is sometimes called, bullycide. In 2009, the National Center for Education Statistics reported that almost one in three students between the ages of 13 and 18 had been bullied in school. A survey by the Cyberbullying Research Center found that one in five students ages 10–18 had been the victim of cyberbullying. Particularly vulnerable are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) students. A 2009 report by the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) found that 90% of LGBT students had experiencedShow MoreRelatedCyber Medi The Virtual War1094 Words   |  5 PagesCyber-bulling: The Virtual War Bullying is a term that most of us recognize. We have either experienced it first hand or been a witness to it. Due to the precedent of today’s technology and the high speed Internet, bullying has evolved into a virtual war zone and the casualties, unfortunately are our youths. 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