Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Benefits Of An Overseas Ngo Volunteering Organization

Bamboo school in Cali, Colombia volunteering 2012 Designers: Andres Bappler Greta Tesserra Price: $20.000 USD Surface 972 m2 Back in the summer of 2012 I had the chance of joining an overseas NGO volunteering organization in a social project in Colombia South America; this was an excellent opportunity for an architecture student like me, there I had the chance to put in practice organization and construction techniques during the three months I was involved The Client and business plan Nicknamed â€Å"The old Lady† is so far the biggest building of a rural primary school in the province of Montebello, This work of great size and architectural richness is one of the biggest buildings constructed on bamboo (Guadua local name for the material) throughout Latin America, and it is expected to revalue this material and show the world its many possibilities. The project relies only on private obtained funds and resources, and even now several years after it started the school complex, has only been completed about 25%, due to lack of funds, the entire cost is uncertain as is yet far from completion The project is being built since 2012 by the youth of Montebello and several international volunteers it has provided training to this community of scarce resources while their school is built, always under the criteria of social development and environmental sustainability. A good model of knowledge transfer, â€Å"learn by doing†, through the use of local materials. The project It isShow MoreRelated Volunteerism and Community Service in America Today Essay4261 Words   |  18 Pagesare not paid; not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless.† - Sherry Anderson (Volunteering Quotes: Finest Quotes). 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