Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Benefits Of An Overseas Ngo Volunteering Organization

Bamboo school in Cali, Colombia volunteering 2012 Designers: Andres Bappler Greta Tesserra Price: $20.000 USD Surface 972 m2 Back in the summer of 2012 I had the chance of joining an overseas NGO volunteering organization in a social project in Colombia South America; this was an excellent opportunity for an architecture student like me, there I had the chance to put in practice organization and construction techniques during the three months I was involved The Client and business plan Nicknamed â€Å"The old Lady† is so far the biggest building of a rural primary school in the province of Montebello, This work of great size and architectural richness is one of the biggest buildings constructed on bamboo (Guadua local name for the material) throughout Latin America, and it is expected to revalue this material and show the world its many possibilities. The project relies only on private obtained funds and resources, and even now several years after it started the school complex, has only been completed about 25%, due to lack of funds, the entire cost is uncertain as is yet far from completion The project is being built since 2012 by the youth of Montebello and several international volunteers it has provided training to this community of scarce resources while their school is built, always under the criteria of social development and environmental sustainability. A good model of knowledge transfer, â€Å"learn by doing†, through the use of local materials. The project It isShow MoreRelated Volunteerism and Community Service in America Today Essay4261 Words   |  18 Pagesare not paid; not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless.† - Sherry Anderson (Volunteering Quotes: Finest Quotes). Part I: Volunteerism and Community Service in the United States Research shows that when Americans are properly asked to serve, they serve, says the Corporation for National and Community Service, on their website dedicated to U.S. volunteerism(Volunteering and Civic Life in America 2014). The question, then, is what does properly asked to serve consistRead MoreCNPC CSR report25861 Words   |  104 PagesOccupational Health 32 35 36 Caring for Employees 37 Localization and Diversity 04 Public Welfare 38 Poverty Alleviation Supporting Education 39 41 Driving Local Development 42 Fostering Civility 42 Serving Overseas Communities 44 2012 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Chairman s Message Sustainable development is a shared aspiration of mankind. As a corporate citizen following high moral and ethical standards, CNPC is committed to honoringRead More7 Megatrends 203026297 Words   |  106 Pages  introduction   in   chapters   A   and   B,    chapter   C   presents   all   trends   and    corporate   actions   in   detail,   while   chapter    D   gives   you   an   idea   of   life   in   2030    In   addition,   every   chapter   presents   the    most   important   sources,   organizations    and   indicators   to   help   you   keep   track   of    the   changes   in   the   world   as   well   as   dig    deeper   into   the   trends   presented Then   we   verified,   analyzed   and    consolidated   the   results,   using   them   to    define   seven   megatrends Read MoreArticle: Performance Appraisal and Performance Management35812 Words   |  144 PagesManagement 1 Ms. Leena Toppo, 2Dr. (Mrs.) Twinkle Prusty 1,2 (Faculty of Commerce, Banaras Hindu University, INDIA) ABSTRACT: Performance appraisal and performance management were one of the emerging issues since last decade. Many organizations have shifted from employee’s performance appraisal system to employee’s performance management system. This paper has focused to study the evolution of employee’s performance appraisal system, critics the system suffered and how the performanceRead MoreAn Assessment of the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Nigerian Society: the Examples of Banking and Communication Industries18990 Words   |  76 Pagesstakeholders including the government, the corporate organization itself, and the general public. The public contended that the payment of taxes and the fulfillment of other civic rights are enough grounds to have the liberty to take back from the society in terms of CSR undertaken by other stakeholders. Some ten year ago, what characterized the Nigerian society was fragrant pollution of the air, of the water and of the environment. Most corporate organizations are concerned about what they can take out ofRead MoreMost Basic a nd Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers10148 Words   |  41 Pagesserve needy, I am also volunteering as a representative with the local clubs, charities in karimnagar and I enjoy participating in community and charity events. And I was appreciated many times by those charities and clubs for my successful participation. Playing cricket, carom, making friends, Browsing Internet, Music are my major hobbies, I have got some prizes in cricket and caroms also. Finally, I am looking forward to have a long term association with your organization. I am confident that yourRead MoreGsk Annual Report 2010135604 Words   |  543 PagesThe most advanced status is shown and includes 2010 and 2011 approvals in the USA and EU. Business review P08–P57 Key: Phase III Large comparative study (compound versus placebo and/or established treatment) in patients to establish clinical beneï ¬ t and safety. Filed Following successful Phase III trials, we ï ¬ le the product for approval by the regulatory authorities. Approval Only when approval is granted can we begin to market the medicine or vaccine. 10 assets moved into Phase III IPX066† Read MoreHbr When Your Core Business Is Dying74686 Words   |  299 Pages Stephen A. Miles and Michael D. Watkins When members of a leadership team play complementary roles, the whole is often greater than the sum of its parts – but such relationships may also result in confusion, especially when members move on. Organizations can learn to enjoy the advantages and minimize the risks of complementarity without sowing the seeds of disaster during succession. 100 100 Avoiding Integrity Land Mines Ben W. Heineman, Jr. How do you keep thousands of employees, operating

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Cyber Bullying Among Our Children - 1617 Words

Kids and young teenagers like to use their cell phones and go online to email, video chat, watch videos, instant message, play games, and do homework. But occastionally the way they talk to one another can get scary or mean. Because so much communication is done online, and over text message its really important for kids to acknowledge that their words can cause unintentional harm. Ones intentions, accompanying the state of their behavior, are important factors in deciding whether or not cyberbullying occurred. Occasionally being mean is accidental, but when kids use the Internet and cell phones to purposely upset someone else over and over, thats cyberbullying. Advice kids to establish affinity for others. Talk to your kids and explain†¦show more content†¦Part of this stems from the newness of research in this area. Part of this also stems from the fact that perpetrators are often anonymous, and victims are often unwilling to come forward for fear that their parents will protect them by revoking their computer privileges. We do know, however, that cyber bullying occurs most frequently among middle school students, particularly those in seventh and eighth grades. Researchers have also found a link between cyber bullying and social anxiety. Both victims and perpetrators have higher levels of social anxiety than individuals not involved with cyber bullying. For victims of cyber bullying, heightened levels of social anxiety are not all that surprising when one considers that almost 50% of the individuals in one study did not know the identity of the person who cyber bullied them. The suffering experienced at the hands of bullies can l ead some victims to commit suicide, or as it is sometimes called, bullycide. In 2009, the National Center for Education Statistics reported that almost one in three students between the ages of 13 and 18 had been bullied in school. A survey by the Cyberbullying Research Center found that one in five students ages 10–18 had been the victim of cyberbullying. Particularly vulnerable are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) students. A 2009 report by the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) found that 90% of LGBT students had experiencedShow MoreRelatedCyber Medi The Virtual War1094 Words   |  5 PagesCyber-bulling: The Virtual War Bullying is a term that most of us recognize. We have either experienced it first hand or been a witness to it. Due to the precedent of today’s technology and the high speed Internet, bullying has evolved into a virtual war zone and the casualties, unfortunately are our youths. As stated by Cross, Dooley, and Pyzalski (2009) cyber-bullying by definition is â€Å"an aggressive, intentional act carried out by a group or individual, using electronic forms of contact, repeatedlyRead MoreThe Spreading of Cyber Bullying1599 Words   |  6 Pages Cyber bullying is a growing problem and has moved to the forefront of public concern in recent years due to a large number of incidents that have received media attention (Tokunaga, 2009). Most recently, a case involving a 12-year old girl who committed suicide as a result from cyber bullying received national attention. This case occurred in Polk County, Fl., and has been described as one of the most tragic cyber bullying stories of o ur time (Hellmich, 2013). Rebecca Sedwick of Lakeland, FlaRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effect On Our Youth930 Words   |  4 PagesCyber-bulling â€Å"Cyber-bullying and its Effect on our Youth,† has released some useful information to American Osteopathic Association directed by unknown author and Dr. Jennifer N. Caudle, certified family physician. Dr. Caudle approaches to parents while she breaks down some statistics that could potentially prevent cyber bullying. Although, the author of the article along with Dr. Caudle does not reveal sufficient information of cyber bullying, the information given can be wisely incorporatedRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effect On Society1536 Words   |  7 PagesBullying has been an extreme issue all around the world for hundreds of years, and since modern technology has advanced, so has cyber bullying. â€Å"‘Gimme’ your lunch money† has turned into texting and posting gruesome threats and embarrassing material all over social media. Millions of kids all over the world have taken their own lives due to the harmful effects of cyber bullying. Problems that cann ot be resolved independently are brought to court, and the government has become increasingly involvedRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects On The World Wide Web787 Words   |  4 PagesForms of Bullying According to the article, Cyber bullying and Physical bullying in Adolescent Suicide, Bullying can come in many forms; there are four types of bullying forms: the most common-physical, verbal, relational (spreading rumors) and lastly, cyber. Cyber bullying is one of the newer forms of bullying being that the world-wide web is still fairly new in the 21st centuryevery form of bullying can create some type of negative response from the victim at hand, however, victims of cyber bullyingRead MoreBullying And Suicide : A Public Health Approach1025 Words   |  5 Pagesabout bullying and the alarming effects it has on our society. Bullying is defined by the Center for Disease and Control (CDC) as â€Å"any unwanted aggressive behavior(s) by another youth or group of youths who are not siblings or current dating partners that involves an observed or perceived power imbalance and is repeated multiple times or is highly likely to be repeated.† (â€Å"Featured Topic: Bullying Resear ch† ) There are many forms of bullying, including but not limited to physical bullying, verbalRead MoreHarassment And Bullying On Social Media1568 Words   |  7 PagesHarassment and Bullying on Social Media What is the history of this topic? Since the beginning of time people have always had an instinct for the desire to survive. Through this instinct of survival comes competition, where people feel the need to surpass others to get what they want, which has not changed as humans have evolved (Donegan, 2012, p.34). The aspect of competition occurs in many aspects of our life including in our education, social and economic systems. In the U.S., capitalistic societyRead MoreBullying Has Been A Big Problem In Our School System For1745 Words   |  7 PagesBullying has been a big problem in our school system for many years, but it has escalated over the past decade due to the new era of modern technology. Unanimously, we can agree that our daily lives greatly depend on technologies; the internet, cellphones, computers, tablets, IPad etc. Although the uses of technology positively impacted our lives, there is also the downside when it uses have negative connotations. For instance, modern technology made it very easy to engag e in cyberbullying, perpetratorsRead MoreEssay on A Speech on Bullying1047 Words   |  5 Pagestoday is Bullying. It is all around us, everyone bullies, no matter what you think or have done, you’ve most likely bullied someone. There are many issues in the news that involve bullying and bad things that happen, aswell as people being affected from people bullying them. Bullying is happening everywhere and the chances that you will encounter it are high. Around the world bullying is big particularly within schools and online in cyber space. With all schools talking about bullying and theRead MoreHow Social Media Improved Communication? Essay876 Words   |  4 Pagescommunication and pretty much of knowing anything and everything around the world these days, and it is growing very rapidly. It changes and affects each person in a different way, or ways. Some may argue that social media has a bad influence on children and young adults, and that it negatively effects their brains, character, or personalities, while most people see that the social media has a more positive effect on them than a negative one. Moreover, social media has helped many people around the

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Drama Coursework †The Evaluative Phase Free Essays

1. My group’s performance started in blackout with sad music which sets the mood and grabs the audiences attention making them listen and think. A red light comes up showing importance and there are narrators talking straight away all dressed in white to show purity and it looks a bit like they are angels. We will write a custom essay sample on Drama Coursework – The Evaluative Phase or any similar topic only for you Order Now We also see the protagonist who is pregnant as she has a baby bump. In Scene 2 bay lifts come and take Mary’s things. There is a lot of confusion and action and the bay lifts are dressed all in black to show they are nasty and harsh. We see this when they grab things off the protagonist and throw her to the floor and everyone stares with their arms folded showing negativity and shows Mary is trapped. To show a change of scene there is a light change and the actors with there arms folded turn in to face off. Then there is another scene change shown by the music being raised and a new set being brought on. The actor who plays the bank manager wears a suit to show importance and seriousness and Mary’s husband wears a coat to show he has no intension if stopping with Mary and is going to go back outside. I think the next part of the performance is the strongest part of the play as the music is raised very loud and the actors mime an argument which is a contrast and then the protagonist looses the baby but as there is no speech you can interpret it any way you want. It is a very powerful and emotive scene. Then in the last scene a bed is made and the narrators look like nurses. They then give all the factual information about the advert and they all end in a still image on the bed and the lights fade which makes the audience think about what they have just seen and the music fades with it as the music is played all the way through. . In the beginning there is a lot of movement which grabs the audience’s attention and there is also a slide and toys to signify a playground. You can tell that the actors are playing children as there voices are high and squeaky. There is a contrast when two of the actors are in a still image and the others are playing: silence verses sound. There i s a use of face off when the stage becomes clear and then the actor turns in to a narrator. There is then an argument given in gibberish so the audience can interpret it however they like and there is a prop used to show alcohol. Music comes in which is emotive and shows sadness and all the actors are in a family portrait. It starts out happy and ends up sad showing what it was like before the father started drinking and then after. Then the light changes to a blue spotlight to show a change of scene and it also symbolizes sadness and focuses on one person that gives a monologue. We can tell the actor is a child as she uses a high squeaky voice and has a dolly which seems to give her security and it makes you feel sorry for her. The scene changes and to show the dad is living on the streets he has a drab blanket and grubby clothes and the only possession he has is a box with newspaper in it. People walking by have changed there character and this is shown by change of costume which shows the performance has multiple role-play in it. At the end there is narration to tell the story and it ends with all the actors in a still image with the lights fading. 3. Before I started homelessness and runaways I used to feel scared of anyone I saw living on the street. I thought that because they are worse off than me and desperate they would try and mug me and if they asked for money I quickly walked away feeling nervous. I think I just judged them because they looked different and lived a very different life to what I did. Now I have learnt about homeless people I realise that they aren’t scary and are just the same as me. If I see someone homeless on the streets I feel sorry for them and I think this is because I didn’t really no why they were living on the streets. I think I just assumed they were all drug addicts but now I no there are lots of different reasons why people live on the streets and I have learnt that there are all types of homeless people. Now if I see someone I would give them some of my extra change if they needed it because I feel so lucky to live in a house and have a nice bed to sleep in and all they have our the clothes on my back. I think I would feel really happy if I had helped a homeless person out if even just a little bit. How to cite Drama Coursework – The Evaluative Phase, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Team Code of Conduct Mobile App for Charity Organisation

Question: Discuss about theTeam Code of Conduct Mobile App for Charity Organisation. Answer: Introduction The team has been working on building up an app for the charity organisation where there will be focus on meeting the requirements of quality, timeliness and quantity. This is through the positive team attitude along with increased productivity of the team members. There are section details to hold the focus on completing the different set of action points which fosters team collaboration. Each group member will be focusing on achieving the primary goal of the project with diligence. The contribution and accountability endeavours to the group meetings for producing a higher quality of work where there are different assigned tasks at every level. Background The focus of the team work is to handle the projects which is able to outline the different requirements for the operations, the team is going to work on. There have been essential requirements where the team members need to work on the expectation of the project to build up a mobile application. The application developed will be a Free App and will not be for the generation of any revenue rather to help the needy people with supporting arguments that justify the development and the maintenance cost of the android app. Purpose The major purpose of the report has been how Honey Badgers (Name of our team) is going to work and interact on the different ideas for the mobile application for a charity organisation. This will help in carrying out a better understanding among us. The team wants to instil in people, the values for helping the unprivileged people through the development of a non-profitable android application. The communication for the android app development is important as there are different factors which strive for communication depending upon the group meetings. Each team member will have to work on the different opportunities along with being prepared for the different questions raised. For a better communication working environment, the members need to respect the other group members with managed time and focus to present the different facts. The members need to also handle the individual views and open mindedness so that they are able to openly discuss about the different aspects of the proj ect. Solution The solution to every situation is through team meetings which focus on the targeting of a current issues along with making a physical connection to the donating activity. The work will be capitalising on the actions, along with assuring the team communication at every level and updating about every change. The team can work on Skype for urgent discussions and meeting attendance as per the requirement. The team members need to be on time along with commencing the work which they have been allocated. There is a need to focus on the different tasks as well as devoting time for the android app. The solution could be best managed through a structure for every meeting to set a particular agenda. This will help in setting the actions points for the next meeting, thereby, ending the agenda of the previous meeting. The communication and the decision making process is the best action point allocation by the team members. Project Schedule The schedule of the project is by handling the team meeting strategy where the entire structure has been to work on the evaluation methods along with their implementation. The structure has been productive enough to keep the meetings set through a defined effectiveness on the topic. Meeting Structure and Delivery Considering the distribution of the team, the team meetings are important to be held on Skype as and when so needed. There is a possibility of the conference calls so that the team members can update about the changes. For a proper scheduled criteria of the project, there is a need to focus on: The reviewing of the previous actions which have been performed and how the project needs to be implemented further. Reviewing the entire schedule which fits the different team members. The reviewing and discussion of all the risks and issues related to the project application, which are possible while developing the android application. There is a need to focus on the different action items in the app which will be helpful and easy to be accessed by the normal user. The assigning of the tasks and completing them on their allocated time is important for easy and successful completion of the project. The meeting of evaluations through a well-defined structure planning. Evaluation of the Project The evaluation is based on setting the structure of the meeting with the handling of improvements with set structure which could be used for meeting format or the structure. The session for the team members includes the ranking for the different questions like the meeting of the requirements, member participation in the different events, the purpose of the meeting and the structure of the same. The project evaluation also focuses on the topics which adhere to the code of conduct. With different roles and responsibilities, the team needs to focus on the agenda items which handles the integrity of the structure along with the decisions that are obvious for the team members. Conclusion The major focus of the entire project is bringing out a team work through proper communication and decision making process. It is only possible to follow the responsibilities, if the person is bound to work for the same. The major role is to undertake the different actions along with keeping an open mind so that all the doubts regarding the project are clear from starting. The participation and avoidance of the conflict situations will help in clarified understanding. With the project start, the objective for the project should be clear to all the members so that there are no conflicts in the end. The sticking to the schedule and allotting the time to the different members for a task should be equal without any discrepancy. The starting on time and ending on time responsibility helps in easy follow-up of the document factors with tasks delegations. Reference Conducting a Meeting The Role of the Chairperson 2011, viewed 1st August 2013, https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/conductà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ meeting.html. Crow, K 2001, TEAM GROUNDRULES, DRM Associates, viewed 1st August 2013, https://www.npdà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ solutions.com/groundrules.html. Establishing ground Rules for Groups 2013, viewed 1st August 2013, https://www.jhu.edu/virtlab/misc/Group_Rules.htm. David, F. and David, F.R., 2016. Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases. Team Code of Ethics 2012, viewed 1st August 2013, https://web.mit.edu/2.009/www/codeOfEthics/codeOfEthics.html. Ten Strategies for Conflict Resolution 2013, viewed 1st August 2013, https://www.kdheks.gov/hcf/healthquest/download/resource_downloads/conflictresolution.pdf. Gersick, C.J., 1988. Time and transition in work teams: Toward a new model of group development.Academy of Management journal,31(1), pp.9-41.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Rebuilding Families and Marriage in Americas Society

Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Marriage and family form the core of America’s society. This is despite the fact that relations between members of a given family may differ as time goes by (Behrens and Rosen 25). Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Rebuilding Families and Marriage in America’s Society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As far as marriage is concerned, men and women have various traditions and values that they value in their lives. This therefore presents a distinct approach to the whole aspect of marriage and family. The family and marriage in America has been evolving as time goes by thereby presenting a new approach to this issue. Focus has been put on rebuilding families and marriage. In this case, the society needs to come up with a culture that is based on enduring various relationships. American marriages and families have been made stronger through a good shift on cultural values (Behrens and Rosen 19). As a matter of fact, there is a decline of marriage in America. This has been brought about by various issues and that is why this paper will focus on why people chose not to marry. Discussion In the past years, America was recognized as the most marrying society in the world but this has been changing as time goes. As a matter of fact, this is well reflected in the older generation that was marrying without any problem. It should be known that most people between the ages of 45 to 54 were married in 1990s but this is the direct opposite today. Currently, the marriage institution in America is decay (Behrens and Rosen 31). The marriage rate in America has been decreasing drastically in recent years. In this case, people are postponing marriage because of various issues that they think should be prioritized. On the other hand, people are foregoing marriage altogether (Behrens and Rosen 36). The whole issue of f oregoing marriage is a very complex aspect that needs to be looked at and properly evaluated. The number of unmarried women between the ages of 15 to 44 has been increasing every now and then. This can mostly be seen in the number of children who have been born out of wedlock. Statistics indicate that non-marital births stand at 30% of all births in America (Behrens and Rosen 42). Most people are running away from the reality to endure bad marriages and that is why they prefer not to marry. In recent years, there have been a lot of painful divorces in the country and this could also explain why people don’t want to marry. It is contrasting to note that the rate of marriages has been declining while on the other hand the rate at which people are divorcing has been going up (Behrens and Rosen 43). There is a high probability that a marriage will end in divorce and that is why people would prefer not to marry because they will eventually divorce.Advertising Looking for essa y on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Marital instability in America has been going up as time goes by and this is a reality that needs to be looked at. Most children have had painful experiences in their families and that is why they can not imagine themselves going through the same experience that their mother or fathers went through in marriage (Behrens and Rosen 48). In this case, it should be known that children from a broken family are less likely to form a good family. Apart from these issues, the quality of married life has been declining drastically. Because of all this complexities, people are not willing to join the institution of marriage. As a matter of fact, people can not invest their time, commitments and resources in marriage. Majority of Americans have always believed that marriage should be a life goal (Behrens and Rosen 27). But going by the current statistics, people no longer value marriage as they used to do before. There have been concerns as per to why more females do not prefer to marry. In this case, 51% of women are living alone without spouses. Most women are independent both emotionally and financially and that is why they do not want to give marriage a chance. An increase in economic independence can therefore be said to be the reason behind a decline in marriages (Behrens and Rosen 37). In this case, women see other choices that are more important to them than marriage. There are instances where people live with partners without marrying and this is a very dangerous trend to the institution of marriage. Social forces have also been instrumental in encouraging people not to marry. In this case, people spend almost half of their life alone and this is not good. There are occasions where young females have babies at the age of 15 and this has made them not to be considered as marriage partners (Behrens and Rosen 52). In a broad perspective, there is fear towards t he institution of marriage. Conclusion It is undeniable that there are no good role models of marriage and this is a reality that we are supposed to face. Marriage has been loosing its value in our society and we need to look at this for sustainability (Behrens and Rosen 32). People are supposed to enter into marriages for life long commitments but they have not been attentive to family values. America is currently faced with a lot of doomed marriages and this has complicated the whole issue of family and marriage. This could be the reason why people are not in a rush to get into marriages that they are not sure of (Behrens and Rosen 12). Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Rebuilding Families and Marriage in America’s Society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are people who prefer cohabitation and that could be the reason why they lack commitment in marriage. Some women are career minded and that is wh y they don’t want to get married. Works Cited Behrens, Laurence, and Rosen Leonard. Writing and Reading across the Curriculum. Boston: Longman, 2011. Print. This essay on Rebuilding Families and Marriage in America’s Society was written and submitted by user Clinton Rush to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Using PrepScholar to Boost Academic Motivation

Using PrepScholar to Boost Academic Motivation SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Many parents have experienced the frustration of high schoolers who seem academically unmotivated. We think we’re a great answer to that problemread on to find out why. Teaching and learning are very complex processes that very few people understand. We at PrepScholar are at the cutting edge of modern educational tools, and that is partly due to our intimate knowledge of teaching and learning. In this post we break down some of the most important factors in motivating your student. Supervision Matters. Studies show that students are inherently motivated by the attention of parents and teachers to their progress. Online SAT and ACT prep might at first seem like a far cry from the intimacy of a 1-on-1 teacher-student relationship, but PrepScholar actually offers more personalized content and feedback than our classroom competitors. Most importantly, all of the information is sent to both students and parents, so you are notified immediately if your student isn’t putting the hours in. We also keep track of your student’s schedule and the time being spent on test prep. With PrepScholar, every week your student enters his or her planned study schedule, aiming ideally to complete ten weekly lessons (or about 5 hours). The study schedule the student enters is sent to the student, parents and PrepScholar so everyone is on the same page. We at PrepScholar believe that one thing affects SAT and ACT score increases the most: the number of hours a student spends preparing. To this end, we send weekly progress reports to students and parents that summarize the number of hours spent studying and the lessons that have been completed that week. Tutoring gives even more detailed feedback. With PrepScholar tutoring, an experienced tutor helps your student navigate through the hardest parts of his or her lessons, paying special attention to skills that appear more often on the test or to the sections that are more important to the schools the student hopes to attend. The tutor also sends session followup emails to parents and students after every tutoring session, discussing the topics covered and any special circumstances parents might like to know about. College Matters. Too many test prep companies focus on the test as an end in itself; we never forget that SAT and ACT prep is a means to an end: the best possible college education for your student. Our prep has a definite and specific goal that motivates students by connecting to real life rewards. We are college admissions experts, and so we never lose sight of the ultimate goal. Going a step further, our strategy lessons help students target the right schools for them and the right scores to get in. We also offer college counseling as part of our tutoring package. Difficulty Matters. Our extensive teaching experience, not to mention contemporary educational theory, shows that students are very easily demotivated by discouragement. We want to avoid the â€Å"I just can’t do it† attitude, so the lessons each student receives are based on his or her scores on our diagnostic testif your student’s skills in Geometry are weak, he or she will receive the most basic Geometry information first. If your student doesn’t master the skill in a given lesson, depending on his or her score on the lesson’s Practice Quiz, the skill will reappear periodically for the student to try againunlike classroom prep, we don’t move on until your student does. Encouragement Matters. With PrepScholar, students get positive reinforcement for progress and hours studying. The weekly emails and interactive feedback are 100% encouraging, designed to cheer students on to the next level of achievement. When students don’t complete their weekly 5 hours, we remind them of the relationship between hours studying and score improvement, encouraging them to try again next week. Encouragement is also one of the main reasons we offer tutoring at PrepScholarfor some students, there’s no substitute for an educator’s friendly face and positive feedback after successes. Our weekly Skype tutoring sessions provide an intimate space for students to ask about their problems and get recognition for their achievements. Fun Matters. Our current program gives students visual information about their progress, tracking all the lessons they did and when so they can view the history of their test prep accomplishments. The site is easy to use, and we will soon be adding more fun features that make the prep experience more like a game to be won than a chore to be completed. Because, really, getting into college is a sort of game, and SAT and ACT prep is one of the most important strategies to win. If you found this article useful, please consider joining our email list at right. Your information will never be shared or sold.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Globalisation in Information Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Globalisation in Information Systems - Essay Example Because of globalization, interdependence of cultural and economic activities has increased trade, investment, migration and transmission of knowledge to different destinations (Mena & Illarramendi, 2001, p. 67). Most importantly, it has forged a united front towards addressing world problems including terror attack and climate change. Apart from globalization, global information system (GIS) is a clear-cut sharing strategy that has made information available from different platforms. It is a core current policy and global coverage technique mainly used by government to gather intelligence. Notably, it is not available to governmental subscribers for reasons ranging from security to financial implications. Among the many beneficiaries of the global information systems, the pipeline and aviation industry has substantially transformed due to invention of GIS. With the already available solutions and software, the pipeline industry has been able to monitor the flow of different fluids, detect leaks and communicate efficiently. In the modern world, it is very rare to find accidents in the pipeline industry because of global information system. On the same note, the aviation sector has benefited by formulating Global positioning systems that allow monitoring of planes. Additionally, GIS has made navigation easy around the world. Most importantly, it has aroused quality data management, organization of personal information, document engineering and web interaction across diverse platforms. The implementation of information system in any firm requires substantial financial investment. Most importantly, the processes, structure, and policies are necessary for managerial purposes. Certainly, t his is because Information system, has contributed towards a reality, by ensuring that the implementation of efficient communication. From the perspective of international relation where economic, cultural and political

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

BUSINESS RESEARCH AND CUNSULTANCY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

BUSINESS RESEARCH AND CUNSULTANCY - Essay Example My aim of the study was to suggest the name of the companies, who can act as the potential sponsors of the club. In order to present a reflection of the study, I will make use of Gibb’s (1998) reflective cycle. With the help of reflective cycle, I will develop the structure of my reflective essay. The structure of this reflective essay will be divided into seven broad segments. I will start off with the experiences I gained while making this project. The following segments will include the description of the study, feelings associated with the project and conclusion. Finally, I will be presenting my personal action plans for the future. Moreover, I also believe that this structure and method will help me to express how this project benefitted me and how I can apply the learning’s to the professional filed. The study was undertaken for the principal purpose of finding sponsors for Manchester Giants basketball club. In addition, our aim of the project was also to explore the possibilities of getting the right sponsor for the club. The study was carried out by a group of 6 and I was one of them. At the initial stage, we planned that this study will have three main parts and these parts will collectively satisfy the objective of the study. Accordingly, the objectives of the study were to gain in-depth understanding of the team, identify the existing supporter base of the team, and perform a comparative study of the sponsors of similar clubs. Finally the task of the study was ro suggest the Manchester Giants with the names of the potential sponsoring companies and an appropriate strategy in order to get sponsors. Primarily, we were a little confused about everyone’s role in the study. In simple words, we were finding difficulties in assigning or allocating the tasks among ourselves. However, we solved this issue by a small group discussion. During this session, the task

Monday, November 18, 2019

International business activities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

International business activities - Essay Example ic transaction processes and when they unfold on the international, cross-cultural level, they become even more challenging (Neslin and Greenhalgh, 1983; Gulbro and Herbig, 1994; Gilsdorf, 1997; Foroughi, 1998; Kumar, Markeset and Kumar, 2005). This is largely because, within the context of IB, negotiations move from the level of reaching an agreement between individuals who have comparable world views to reaching a compromise between cultures whose representatives may have divergent world views, including conflicting values (Bjerke, 2006). The implication here is that IB paradigms must be culturally sensitive and adaptable, on the one hand, and culturally-informed, on the other (Bjerke, 2006). Turning to TQM, one finds that it embrace cultural sensitivity as a direct outcome of its consumer focus (Collins, 2005). The paradigm itself is premised on the supposition that if corporations are to succeed in diverse cultural environments and to successfully engage in cross-cultural negotia tions, they have to embrace the culture of the environment in question, be it of their consumers or their business partners, and redefine themselves as insiders, rather than outsiders (Collins, 2005; Bjerke, 2006). Its embrace of sociology, therefore, marks TQM as highly well-suited to international businesses and, as a root discipline, is fundamental to the success of IB. As international business unfolds within the context of a global, as opposed to a national economy, international economics emerges as another fundamental root discipline. IB scholars acknowledge the presence of a synergetic and dynamic relationship between international economics and international business. On the one hand, IB is inextricably dependant on the health of the global economy for its own development,... International business activities International business, which has both been facilitated by and imposed upon firms by the advent of globalization, may be briefly defined as the global exchange of goods and services, or cross border economic transactions. As a number of scholars have quite rightly pointed out, international business is the internationalization and the concomitant expansion of the scope of traditional business activities. Within this context, it may also be defined as a natural evolution in the development of the scope of business activities, from the intra-tribal to the inter-tribal, from the intra-township to the inter-township and from the national to the international (Wiles and Wiles, 2005; Carbaugh, 2005; Marx, 2006; Sundaram and Black, 2007). The implication here is that while international business is founded upon the same precepts and principles of traditional/national business and, accordingly, withstands adherence to the same management paradigms, the significant expansion of its parameters and sphere of activities necessitates the embrace of sociology, international economics, politics and linguistics, to name but a few disciplines. On the basis of the foregoing discussion, TQM emerged as an ideal international business paradigm, largely because it embraces and addresses IB’s concerns. This was demonstrated through reference to three of its root disciplines, international economics, sociology and organizational theory.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The structure and organization of the human body

The structure and organization of the human body Unit 3 The Structure, Function and Organisation of The Human Body Outcome 1 Handout UNIT 3: THE STRUCTURE, ORGANISATION AND FUNCTION OF THE HUMAN BODY OUTCOME 1 The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all known living organisms. It is the smallest unit of life that is classified as a living thing, and is often called the building block of life. It is usually a microscopic structure containing nuclear and cytoplasmic material enclosed by a semi-permeable membrane. Some organisms, such as most bacteria, are unicellular(consist of a single cell). Other organisms, such as humans, are multicellular. Each cell is at least somewhat self-contained and self-maintaining: it can take in nutrients, convert these nutrients into energy, carry out specialized functions, and reproduce as necessary. Each cell stores its own set of instructions for carrying out each of these activities. Comparison of structures between animal and plant cells Typical animal cell Typical plant cell Organelles Nucleus Nucleolus (within nucleus) Rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Smooth ER Ribosomes Cytoskeleton Golgi apparatus Cytoplasm Mitochondria Vesicles Lysosomes Centrosome Centrioles Nucleus Nucleolus (within nucleus) Rough ER Smooth ER Ribosomes Cytoskeleton Golgi apparatus (dictiosomes) Cytoplasm Mitochondria Vacuoles Cell wall ORGANELLES Nucleus- Controls the cell. It consists of the nuclear envelope, nucleolus, chromatin, and nucleoplasm. Nucleolus- are non-membraneous matrix of RNA (ribonucleic acid) and protein. found in the nucleus. Instructions in DNA are copied here. It works with ribosomes in the synthesis of protein. Chromosomes- Determines what traits a living thing will have, passes information from parent to offspring. Cell Membrane- same as unit membrane. Gives the cell shape, holds the cytoplasm, and controls what moves into and out of the cell. acts as a boundary layer to contain the cytoplasm (fluid in cell) interlocking surfaces bind cells together. Cytoplasm- Jellylike material (cytosol and organelles), most of the cells chemical reactions take place there, and made up of mostly water and some chemicals. Vacuoles- Liquid-filled, may store food, water, minerals, or wastes. There maybe more than one. In plants it takes up a lot of space, produce turgor pressure against cell wall for support. Mitochondria- Produce energy when food is broken down, often called the powerhouse of the cell. Its structure is composed of modified double unit membrane (protein, lipid). Its inner membrane infolded to form cristae. It is the site of cellular respiration i.e. the release of chemical energy from food Glucose + Oxygen > Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy (ATP) Ribosomes- Where proteins are made, and often connected to the endoplasmic reticulum. A cell may have as many as 500,000. They are non-membraneous, spherical bodies composed of RNA (ribonucleic acid) and protein enzymes. They are the site of protein synthesis. Endoplasmic Reticulum- The transportation system in the cell, connects the nuclear membrane with the cell membrane. Used in detoxification of the cell. ER. Forms a tubular network throughout the cell. Provides a large surface area for the organization of chemical reactions and synthesis. Centrioles- Found only in animal cells, is used in cell reproduction to help the chromosomes arrange before cell division. They are nine triplets of microtubules form one centriole. Two centrioles form one centrosome. They form spindle fibres to separate chromosomes during cell division. Golgi apparatus(bodies)- Stacks of flattened sacs of unit membrane (cisternae) vesicles pinch off the edges. Modifies chemicals to make them functional. Secretes chemicals in tiny vesicles. Stores chemicals. May produce endoplasmic reticulum. Lysosomes- digests food particles with enzymes, pinched of pieces of golgi apparatus. Are membrane bound bag containing hydrolytic enzymes. Are hydrolytic enzyme = (water split biological catalyst) i.e. using water to split chemical bonds. They break large molecules into small molecules by inserting a molecule of water into the chemical bond. Cell Wall- Found only in plant cells. Forms a thick outer covering outside the cell membrane, gives the plant support and shape. Is a non-living secretion of the cell membrane, composed of cellulose. They are cellulose fibrils deposited in alternating layers for strength. Cell wall contains pits (openings) that make it totally permeable. It provides protection from physical injury and together with vacuole, provides skeletal support. Chloroplasts- Found only in plant cells. Found in the cytoplasm of green plant cells, contain chlorophyll, traps the energy from light, and is where photosynthesis takes place. It is composed of a double layer of modified membrane (protein,chlorophyll, lipid). The inner membrane invaginates to form layers called grana (sing., granum) where chlorophyll is concentrated. It is the site of photosynthesis chlorophyll Carbon Dioxide + Water > Glucose + Oxygen radiant energy (food). TISSUE There are many different types of cells in the human body. None of these cells function well on there own, they are part of the larger organism that is called you. Tissue is a cellular organizational level intermediate between cells and a complete organism. Hence, a tissue is an ensemble of cells, not necessarily identical, but from the same origin, that together carry out a specific function. Organsare then formed by the functional grouping together of multiple tissues. Cells group together in the body to form tissues a collection of similar cells that group together to perform a specialized function. There are 4 primary tissue types in the human body: epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue and nerve tissue. 1. Epithelial Tissue- The cells of epithelial tissue pack tightly together and form continuous sheets that serve as linings in different parts of the body. Epithelial tissue serve as membranes lining organs and helping to keep the bodys organs separate, in place and protected. Some examples of epithelial tissue are the outer layer of the skin, the inside of the mouth and stomach, and the tissue surrounding the bodys organs. 2. Connective Tissue- There are many types of connective tissue in the body. Generally speaking, connective tissue adds support and structure to the body. Most types of connective tissue contain fibrous strands of the protein collagen that add strength to connective tissue. Some examples of connective tissue include the inner layers of skin, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bone and fat tissue. In addition to these more recognizable forms of connective tissue, blood is also considered a form of connective tissue. 3. Muscle Tissue- Muscle tissue is a specialized tissue that can contract. Muscle tissue contains the specialized proteins actin and myosin that slide past one another and allow movement. Examples of muscle tissue are contained in the muscles throughout your body. 4. Nerve Tissue- Nerve tissue contains two types of cells: neurons and glial cells. Nerve tissue has the ability to generate and conduct electrical signals in the body. These electrical messages are managed by nerve tissue in the brain and transmitted down the spinal cord to the body. ORGANS Organs are the next level of organization in the body. An organ is a structure that contains at least two different types of tissue functioning together for a common purpose. There are many different organs in the body: the liver, kidneys, heart, even your skin is an organ. In fact, the skin is the largest organ in the human body and provides us with an excellent example for explanation purposes. The skin is composed of three layers: the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layer. The epidermis is the outermost layer of skin. It consists of epithelial tissue in which the cells are tightly packed together providing a barrier between the inside of the body and the outside world. Below the epidermis lies a layer of connective tissue called the dermis. In addition to providing support for the skin, the dermis has many other purposes. The dermis contains blood vessels that nourish skin cells. It contains nerve tissue that provides feeling in the skin. And it contains muscle tissue that is responsible for giving you goosebumps when you get cold or frightened. The subcutaneous layer is beneath the dermis and consists mainly of a type of connective tissue called adipose tissue. Adipose tissue is more commonly known as fat and it helps cushion the skin and provide protection from cold temperatures. Nervous tissue: is one of four major classes of vertebrate tissue. Nervous tissue is the main component of the nervous system-the brain, spinal cord, and nerves-which regulates and controls body functions. It is composed of neurones, which transmit impulses, and the neuroglia, which assist propagation of the nerveimpulse as well as provide nutrientsto the neuron. Every time you get pinched, part of your nerve tissue is damaged. Nervous tissue is made of nerve cells that come in many varieties, all of which are distinctly characteristic by the axon or long stem like part of the cell that sends action potential signals to the next cell. Functions of the nervous system are sensory input, integration, controls of muscles and glands, homeostasis, and mental activity. All living cells have the ability to react to stimuli. Nervous tissue is specialized to react to stimuli and to conduct impulses to various organs in the body which bring about a response to the stimulus. Nerve tissue (as in the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves that branch throughout the body) are all made up of specialized nerve cells called neurons. Neurons are easily stimulated and transmit impulses very rapidly. A nerve is made up of many nerve cell fibres (neurons) bound together by connective tissue. A sheath of dense connective tissue, the epineurium surrounds the nerve. This sheath penetrates the nerve to form the perineurium which surrounds bundles of nerve fibres. Blood vessels of various sizes can be seen in the epineurium. The endoneurium, which consists of a thin layer of loose connective tissue, surrounds the individual nerve fibres. The cell body is enclosed by a cell (plasma) membrane and has a central nucleus. Granules called Nissl bodies are found in the cytoplasm of the cell body. Within the cell body, extremely fine neurofibrils extend from the dendrites into the axon. The axon is surrounded by the myelin sheath, which forms a whitish, non-cellular, fatty layer around the axon. Outside the myelin sheath is a cellular layer called the neurilemma or sheath of Schwann cells. The myelin sheath together with the neurilemma is also known as the medullary sheath. This medullary sheath is interrupted at intervals by the nodes of Ranvier. Neuronal Communication Nerve cells are functionally made to each other at a junction known as a synapse, where the terminal branches of an axon and the dendrites of another neuron lie in close proximity to each other but normally without direct contact. Information is transmitted across the gap by chemical secretions called neurotransmitters. It causes activation in the post-synaptic cell. All cells possess the ability to respond to stimuli.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Emily Dickinson :: essays research papers

Emily Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830 in Amherst Massachusetts. She had a younger sister named Lavina and an older brother named Austin. Her mother Emily Norcross Dickinson, was largely dependent on her family and was seen by Emily as a poor mother. Her father was lawyer, Congressman, and the Treasurer for Amherst College. Unlike her mother, Emily loved and admired her father. Since the family was not emotional, they lived a quiet secure life. They rarely shared their problems with one another so Emily had plenty of privacy for writing. During her childhood, Emily and her family attended The First Congregational Church on a regular basis. Emily did not like going to church because she didn't think of herself as being very religious. She refused to believe that Heaven was a better place than Earth and eventually rebelled from the church. Emily saw herself as a woman who had her own way of thinking, a way of thinking shaped neither by the church or society. By the time she was twelve, her family moved to a house on Pleasant Street where they lived from 1840 to 1855. Emily was already writing letters, but composed most of her poetry in this home. Emily only left home to attend Mount Holyoke Female Seminary for two semesters. Though her stay there was brief, she impressed her teachers with her courage and directness. They felt her writing was sensational. At the age of twenty-one, Emily and her family moved to the Dickinson Homestead on Main Street. This move proved to be very difficult for Emily. This was difficult for Emily because she became very attached to her old house, which shaped her writing and personality for fifteen years. They now lived next door to her brother Austin and his wife Susan and their daughter Martha. Emily and Susan became so close that many people believe they may have been lovers. A rumor perpetuated by the fact that Emily was known to have written many love letters and poems to Susan. Martha attempted to protect both of their images and suppress the rumors. It became common knowledge that Emily had some type of very strong feelings for Susan. At the age of thirty-one Emily sent some of her poems to a publisher, Thomas Higginson, from whom she got a very good response and a strong friendship developed. He acted as her mentor but she never seemed to have taken any of his advice. It became evident that she didn't like the idea of having her works published, she made 40 packets of about twenty poems apiece from 814 poems. She placed these in a box along with 333 other poems. Emily died on May 5, 1886 at the age of 56.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Const. law

Kenya has developed a raft of enter terrorism measures which in the past were encapsulated in different legislation such as the penal code (cap. 63). The measures range from legislative and institutional measures which spawns the domestic, regional and international levels. Despite the presence of these measures, the threat of terror persists. Key to all civil liberties is to point out our human rights which are not Just for law-abiding citizens and the best among the Hawaiian but also for the worst among us, including those convicted of heinous crimes or those on trial for horrendous acts of terrorism.The paper seeks to enlighten on that there is delicate balance that is depicted when enacting and enforcing a legislation which may have a great impact on the civil liberties on a people and how this delicate balance may be achieved. My view is that the law will often tend to overlap with the civil liberties of the individual in the society whether the perpetrator or not, the strategy that should be employed is to what extent to these civil liberties have to be limited and which of these civil liberties that can be limited.These acts of terror thrive in the freedom of democracies: the redeem of association, expression and movement enjoyed in a liberal democracy are conducive to the planning and execution of acts of gross violence, designed to destabilize or destroy State structures, and to advance particular ideological ends. A delicate balance may be less in evidence than fervor for erosion of civil liberties in response to perceived crises. In the past years, unlawful detention was rampant mostly affecting Somali refugees who were detained in Kenya without any charger .The recent piece of legislations has wrought up complains mostly from the Muslims ND the human rights activist who have given arguments depicting deprivation of fundamental freedoms and violation of the constitution. Some of these civil liberties that are affected are privacy, expression, media, security, conscience, religion, belief, opinion, ownership and access to property. The Act seeks to give reasons why these liberties are restricted but the question arises as to the actual implementation: that the law enforcers will not in any way be biased.

Friday, November 8, 2019

A window of the world Essays

A window of the world Essays A window of the world Paper A window of the world Paper Television advocates often claim to present window on the world a picture of reality which gives viewers unprecedented access to the world outside their community or country. When television was first created many, such as Lord Reith, the first BBC general director and others claimed that even then that television would be a window of the world. However, is this statement valid now, if indeed it ever did. To insinuate that television is a window of the world is to imply that observing the television is the same as looking out of a window in a house, however, the difference is a television set allows the audience to choose anybodys window of the world to look out of. To a certain extent television does represent a window of the world. The reason for this is television allows the audience to see and experience other cultures, other countries that they may not, if it was not for the existence of television. Another argument is that television portrays life through different genres such as the news, documentaries and soap operas especially. An example of television being a window of the world is the broadcasting of the Iraqi War as we saw pictures of what life was like in Iraq before and after the war. We also saw the statue of Saddam Hussein being torn down. During the war we were saturated with images of the war, which we have never seen before. However, it could also be claimed that the news, especially during war time does not give us a window of the world due to broadcasting laws, and censorship, also they have to be careful of what images they use as they may be distressing. Also, on the first year anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Centre, the BBC broadcasted a documentary called 9/11, which filmed the two aeroplanes hitting the Twin Towers as it actually happened. In addition, it depicted how the fire fighters dealt with the crisis. Thus, this could be described as being a window of the world because it shown an important event as it unfolded. Another genre where it could be argued that represents a window of the world is soap operas, as soaps often portrays contemporary issues, such as domestic violence, paedophilia, and mental illnesses. In addition, often when we watch television we occasionally relate to characters in soap operas or in other types of television programmes, suggesting that the audience knows people who are like the characters, like friends or families, alternatively, they could have gone through similar experiences to a character, thus, suggesting that soap operas do in some way depict reality. Allen states that One of the most popular images of a daytime soap opera is one who cant tell the difference between reality and fiction. A small minority of viewers does believe what they are watching is reality, and as a result viewers may send wedding presents when characters in the soap are getting married, or may attack a soap villain when they see them on the street. For these people, television is truly a window of the world. However, it is argued that very few people do behave in this way and can differentiate between reality and fiction. However, events in soap operas such as Eastenders or Coronation Street happen during a short time span, whereas in real-life it would happen during a longer period of time, and thus cannot represent real-life. Also, in viewers lives they have periods of dullness and inactivity, however, this is rare in a soap characters life. In addition, soaps sometimes adapt news stories to make into a storyline, for example during the 1980s there were growing incidents of aids, and lead to schedules being saturated with programmes discussing, reporting and analysing the growing Aids crisis. In addition, the more realistic and grittier soap operas such as Eastenders and Brookside began using it in their storylines. However, it could be argued that television does not represent a window on the world. The reason for this is because television programmes is constructed of highly selective images of what goes on in the world. Thus, television creates someone elses view of the world rather than reflecting. Also, television does not represent a window on the world because television programmes is acted, and edited. Thus, television is carefully constructed to appeal to the target audience. In addition, television may represent a window on the world for some, however, some programmes may be biased towards subjects such as politics or religion, therefore, and some programmes may not represent everybodys view without leaning towards one viewpoint. In conclusion this essay has addressed the question To what extent does television represent a window of the world? To a certain extent television does represent a window of the world as it portrays real-life events. However, it does not always represent television as a window of the world as television can be biased and does not represent everyones window of the world.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

John Brown Essays - Bleeding Kansas, Rebellions In The United States

John Brown Essays - Bleeding Kansas, Rebellions In The United States John Brown John Brown's raid on the federal armory at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, In October 1859, involved only a handful of abolitionists, freed no slaves, and was over in two days. Although many Northerners condemned the raid, by 1863 John Brown had become a hero and a martyr in the North. The views about John Brown expressed in the documents illustrate the strained relationship between the North and South before the civil war(1859-1860) and the severely crippled relationship after the civil war. In 1859 before the Civil war the Northern-Southern relationship was strained with such laws as the Kansas-Nebraska act, 'legalizing' slavery through popular soveirgnty in the territories, and the Dredd Scott decision practically legalizing slavery in any territory(without popular sovereignty). Soon after John Brown's famous raid, Northerners condemned him(Doc. A) for combating a 'great evil'(Slavery) in an 'unfit way'(through fighting), They said this because it was unconstitutional to fight without going through the government and there are other ways to get rid of slavery. This basically was a last ditch effort to save the south from succeeding from the union and to hold the thread that was holding the relations of the North and South together. By 1860, the dreaded election of 1860 was here and the Civil war would soon start due to the 'Railsplitter' Lincoln winning the election. Views of John Brown in the North were gaining more momentum as he became more popular(Doc. D). More Northerners began to feel it that John Brown had done it the right way. The Democrats at this time were using tactics to use John Brown against the Republicans that were for it, this failed and showed that most northerners were with John Brown all the way(Doc. E). He began to be more like a martyr in the north toward the end of 1860(Doc. F). When Lincoln was elected the South immediately succeeded and the Civil war began shortly after. During the Civil War John Brown rose to Hero and Martyr status and a famous song of the civil war was pledged to him(Doc. G). In Conclusion, the views of John Brown between 1859-1863 clearly showed how the North-South relationship was hanging on a thread and was cut as John Brown became more famous between these periods and into the Civil War.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Celluar pathology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Celluar pathology - Assignment Example By studying the density of blood vessels resulting from evaluation (Nico et al. 2008). Nico in particular describes the issue of micro vessel or microvascular density as being the gold standard with respect to the morphological assessment of angiogenesis in In addition to describing the physiological mechanisms, It is also possible to make generalizations concerning high levels of angiogenesis and specific types of carcinomas, specifically cancers of the prostate or the breasts – characterized by high levels of micro vessel formation. Considerable research has been devoted to the characterization of breast cancer, with confirmation of the importance and predictive power of angiogenesis in the tumorigenesis process. There is considerable support for the utility of micro vessel density analysis as a predictive methodology for these tumors, with historic evidence that angiogenesis precedes the malignant transformation of mammary cells into fully cancerous carcinomas arising from relatively benign papillomas. (Srivastava et al. 1988). There is little doubt that higher rates of angiogenesis do indeed correlate with the emergence of certain tumors, but at present the connection may not be absolute: breast cancer studies indicate that lesions with the highest amount of micro vessel density do carry the greatest risk of breast cancer, but it is not entirely certain whether there is an absolute threshold of density that transfection of cancerous tissue with factors antagonistic to angiogenesis decrease the probability of further growth and malignancy (Miller & Sledge, 2003). This is compelling evidence describing particular mutation of a particular oncogene. As cells continuously grow and divide in the millions over many years, each replication event creates a probability that the right (or wrong) mutation will occur in cells that already carry some growth irregularities. If this chain of mutations is not counteracted by surgical or curative methodologies, then

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The evience suggests that PPP hold both in the short and long run Essay - 1

The evience suggests that PPP hold both in the short and long run - Essay Example an be substantial short-run deviations from PPP, but in the long run relative PPP holds remarkably well because fundamentals and arbitrage are dominant long-run economic forces† (Marewijk, chapter 20); In short run price level tends to be sticky and takes time to change (Rogoff, 1996). And that â€Å"Dorodian, Jung, and Boyd [1999] found that in the long-run, PPP tends to hold more often under a floating exchange rate regime than under a fixed exchange rate system† (Anorou, Braha & Ahmad, 2002). There is however some studies which focused on the short run basis of PPP. Chowdhry, Roll & Xia (2004) find that â€Å"relative PPP holds well in the short run in both single-country-pair OLS regressions and a pooled system regression† and that their evidence â€Å"for short-run relative PPP is unlikely to be driven by missing world factors or by real effects of inflation†. Further, â€Å"our results complement the findings from the long-run PPP tests, and help resolve the PPP puzzle in the short run†. They also have an evidence that â€Å"relative purchasing power parity holds quite well in the short run when inflation is extracted from stock prices†. â€Å"For small differences in annual inflation between the United States and the country concerned, the correlation between relative inflation and depreciation in each of the years seems low. Relative PPP appears to â€Å"hold more closely for countries experiencing relatively high inflation† (Tayl or & Taylor, 2004); â€Å"Finally, the IIRE is operative in both the short and long run in response to changes in the domestic price level† (Elwood & Fields, 1998). Based on those results, Click (1996), as mentioned by Fujiki & Kitamura in 2004 concludes that in â€Å"the time-series dimension, using the random-effects model, purchasing power parity holds, conditional upon the Balassa–Samuelson effect.† Chapter 18 — Exchange Rate Theories discusses the favorable effect of PPP in the short run over long run. â€Å"PPP holds even in the

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Role of Promotion in Retailing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Role of Promotion in Retailing - Essay Example The objective of the paper is to show the promotional strategies of Adidas that have been used by the company as a part of its initiatives within 2012 London Olympics as their promotion campaign. The paper also shows the role of promotion in retailing as well as the advantages of promotion and the line marketing of Adidas. Promotional Strategies: Adidas for London Olympics 2012 Promotion is one of the most essential tools in marketing of a product. The elements of promotion are advertising, personal selling, publicity, sales promotion and direct marketing. A company makes a promotional mix to identify the budget to conduct the promotion and to recognise the importance that is to be provided to the various elements of promotional mix. The objectives of the promotional plan include augmentation of sales, recognition of the new product, brand equity creation and corporate image creation among others (McGoldrick, 2002). ... t with a outlook to meet up the necessities of the promotion Promotion helps in improving the morale as well as the satisfaction of the job of the employee By improving the morale of the employees, promotion ultimately helps in improving the organizational health It creates alertness of the survival of the product as well as the service provided Promotion helps a company to enlarge its market share Promotion provides information regarding the products as well as the services to the consumers that produces an incentive for the consumers to procure the products as well as use the services (McGoldrick, 2002) Adidas is known as one of the prominent sportswear manufacturers of the world. The Adidas Group was established by Adolf Dassler on 1949 with its headquarters in Germany. The first as well as the foremost global achievement of the brand was celebrated in 1954 when Germany won the championship of soccer. In middle of the 1980’s, the group had certain commercial breakdown but i n 1995 the Adidas Group regained its momentum and to stay in a competitive market with Nike, in 2006 Adidas had taken over Reebok. The company sponsors many games with their own capital and its sportswear such as soccer and Olympics among others (Adidas Group, 2012). To grow to be the top retailer and provide with quality products are the main visions of Adidas. Retailing is important to show the breath of the product, to build division in markets where traditional structure of wholesaling does not exist and to influence the knowledge from own retail for the whole organization (Adidas Group, 2012). Adidas is going to be the official partner regarding sportswear for the London Olympics for the year 2012 (Guardian News and Media Limited, 2012). Adidas will act as the official partner for the team

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Use of Polygraph Tests by Law Enforcement Essay Example for Free

The Use of Polygraph Tests by Law Enforcement Essay Research Question:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   How Reliable are Lie Detectors? Thesis Statement:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lie detectors are not completely reliable. 1st Source: White Jr., R. D. (2001). Ask me no questions, tell me no lies: examining the uses and misuses of the polygraph. Public Personnel Management, 30(4), 483+. This article discusses the different ways by which the polygraph is used and misused, and recommends certain guidelines for the proper use of polygraphs.   It presents both sides of what appears to be a long standing debate on the reliability of lie-detector tests, integrating significant legal developments in the discussion.    This is a good article because it outlines the history of polygraph development and use, and contrasts the pros and the cons of using polygraphs in the public sector and in law enforcement.   The article, however, may be considered a bit flawed in the sense that it seems to imply that there is nothing wrong with using polygraphs.    In this connection, it must be pointed out that the author only prescribes the use of the polygraph in narrowly-tailored, tightly circumscribed instances, which, upon a deeper analysis, means that the author is against the wholesale, indiscriminate use of polygraphs.   In other words, the author seems to imply that as a general proposition, the use of polygraphs or the results taken therefrom are not completely reliable, and may only be considered as such in certain instances.   Another strength of the article is that it discusses not only the technical aspects of polygraph use, i.e., its validity and reliability, but also its legal and ethical or moral implications. The article is relevant to the above topic because it discusses the use of polygraphs not only against criminals, but as against the individuals that compose the public sector.   It lays down the premise that despite the controversy regarding the use of polygraphs in the past, at present, its use has become more widespread and is applied not only to criminals or suspected criminals, but also to government employees and in government agencies, who are on the right side of the law. With respect to the article’s relevance to the question on the reliability of lie detectors and the statement that lie detectors are not completely reliable, as mentioned, the article presents both sides of the argument, and the conclusion implies that, in fact, lie detectors are not completely reliable because if they were, they could be used at any given instance, at any given time, without having to prescribe specific parameters for its use. The main argument for the continued use of polygraphs is that in numerous cases, the physiological responses elicited by questioning indicate the guilt or innocence of a person, because of the way people are supposed to react when they are lying or telling the truth.   The easiest criticism against the reliability of characterizing outcomes such as increase in pulse is that each person reacts differently to a particular situation. Hence, the person may be telling the truth, but he may feel nervous at being questioned and being strapped to a machine, so his pulse may be uneven.   Studies conducted, particularly by the Office of Technology Assessment or OTA, show that there is a large variance in the cases where the individual who was tested via polygraph was held to have been telling the truth when he was actually lying, or when he was found to be lying when he was actually telling the truth. Also assailed is the lack of training of the people who operate polygraphs, and the lack of operational guidelines in the actual use of the machines, as well as the use of what are called countermeasures that enable certain individuals to â€Å"beat† the polygraph.   In conclusion, the author concedes that reliable or not, polygraphs will still be used, and thus proposes several tests or criteria by which to determine whether or not a polygraph should be used, such as the existence of a compelling public interest, the presence of independently corroborating evidence, and the imposition of stricter controls with respect to actual testing.   The use of such criteria could mitigate the inherent unreliability of polygraph testing. 2nd Source:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dripps, D. A. (1996). Police, plus perjury, equals polygraphy. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 86(3), 693 to 716.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The article presents the author’s theory that making polygraph examination results admissible in evidence as a general proposition will ward off the evil of perjury committed by law enforcement agents.   The arguments presented by the proponent are very structured and organized.   The author paints a very convincing picture of the disadvantages and prejudice brought about by the current general rule on the inadmissibility of polygraph test results vis-à  -vis police testimony with respect to suppression hearings. The only weakness of the article is that it concedes, even if merely for the sake of argument, that polygraph testing results are generally unreliable, but they should be used anyway to at least ensure that policemen do not commit perjury on the stand when they testify as to the factual milieu of the case and the seizure of evidence.   It is a good article to contrast with the first because the arguments are similar but the conclusions and implications are different, and the details should be examined more closely to determine why, despite the similarities, there still exists a discrepancy or difference in opinion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The article is relevant to the above-mentioned topic, because it relates to the use of polygraph tests by and against law enforcement officers.   Like the first article, it presents the use of polygraphs not only as against suspected criminals, but even against those on the other side of the law.   It is relevant to the question on the reliability of polygraph testing and on the thesis that polygraph tests are not completely reliable because it argues against the thesis by citing the rules on evidence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the case of Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, the Supreme Court held that the use of expert testimony based on valid science is admissible in evidence.   Despite the controversy as to its reliability, several scientific agencies have attested to the valuable use of polygraphs and have provided for acceptable margins of error; after all, nothing is perfect, and to expect that polygraph results are a hundred percent reliable would be an exercise in futility.   With the allowable margin of error, polygraph results are made more reliable.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The article points out the background behind the OTA study; it was undertaken at the behest of the legislature on a move to be more stringent in regulating the use of polygraphs.   Many government institutions and agencies rely on polygraphs to help them ferret out the truth, such as the CIA, the FBI, and the Department of Defense. The article stresses that in general, polygraph test results can be relied upon, because it involves a science that has been empirically and objectively tested, and when the testing is done properly, the margin for error is acceptably low. In the specific context of suppression hearings, the admissibility of polygraph results as explained through expert testimony would better protect the rights of the accused, as many policemen are unfortunately wont to lie even under oath to ensure that crucial evidence does not get thrown out and the case against the accused does not fall apart.   At the very least, the admission of polygraph results would make law enforcement officers, and criminals, think twice about lying on or off the stand, and would contribute in some way to the proper administration of justice.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Zigbee Networks And Applications Information Technology Essay

Zigbee Networks And Applications Information Technology Essay ZigBee networking has number of applications, these applications are not just limited to home automation, inventory tracking, and healthcare but its applications are taking into account in daily life routine. Home automation is one of the major application areas for ZigBee wireless networking. The typical data rate for home automation application is 10kbps in a typical resident building. The applications of home automations are further explained. Security Systems A security system might have several sensors, including motion detectors, security cameras and glass-break sensors, these devices are required to communicate with the central security centre by either wires or a wireless network. ZigBee-based security systems are simple to install and easy to upgrade Although ZigBee has a low data rate, it has still the capability to transfer images wirelessly with reasonable quality., ZigBee has been used in a wireless camera system which do record the videos of visitor at a Front door and then transmit these recordings to monitor inside the house. Meter-Reading Systems Utility meters are needed to be read on a regular basis so as to generate utility bills. One simple way to do this task is by reading the meter manually at home premises and then enters values into a database. A ZigBee-based automatic meter-reading (AMR) system has the capability to create wireless mesh networks across residential complexes that makes link meters with utilities corporate offices. By using AMR, it provides the opportunity to remotely monitor the residenceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s electric, gas, and water usage. In this way it eliminates the need for a human to visit each residential unit on a monthly basis. Irrigation Systems ZigBee can be used as a part of sensor based irrigation system which is used in efficient water management. Sensors are installed across the landscaping field which can communicate to the irrigation panel. It communicates the soil moisture level at different depth levels to the irrigation panel. The panel controller than tells the watering time based on moisture level, plant type, time of day and the season readings. Light Control Systems One of the classic examples of using ZigBee is Light control in a house or commercial building. In a typical light installation system, it is necessary to install a wire from the light to a switch in order to turn on or off the light. No wired connection between the light and the switch is necessary if the light and switch are equipped with the ZigBee devices. In this way, any switch in the house can be assigned to turn on and off a specific light. A ZigBee-enabled recess light is much expensive compared to a regular recess light, but the installation cost of a ZigBee-enabled light is lower than regular recess light as it requires no extra wiring to a wall switch. Wireless remotes to control the lights is not a new concept in our daily life, By using ZigBee it provides the opportunity to implement this versatile concept on a large scale by ensuring long battery life. Multi zone HVAC Systems The multizone control system have the ability to allow a single heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) unit to have separate temperature zones in a house. Zoning the HVAC system can be very helpful as it saves the energy by controlling the air flow to each room and preventing the cooling or heating to unnecessary areas. ZigBee devices control the motors based on the commands they receive from the main HVAC zone Control panel and temperature sensors. Hotel Guest Room Access ZigBee-based systems can replace the magnetic key card systems which are widely used in hotels in order to access the guest rooms. The traditional room are accessed by plastic cards which have a magnetic strip on their back. The card reader installed on the guest door reads the information that is encoded on to the magnetic strip to allow or deny access to the room. The Installation of this reader to each door requires wiring through the door. A ZigBee- based room access system have a portable ZigBee device that acts as the key and a battery-powered ZigBee device inside the door that locks and unlocks it, the ZigBee based room access system do not require wiring of each door. In this way it reduces the installation cost. Fire Extinguishers Fire extinguishers are required to be checked after every 30 days in order to make sure that all canisters are charged and the filled in pressures are correct. Instead of checking the extinguishers manually, the alternative way is to connect a ZigBee-based monitoring system a sensor is to each fire extinguisher which will monitor its status and it will wirelessly communicate with the coordinator when maintenance is needed. A ZigBee-based monitoring system saves time and labor cost. It also helps to improve fire safety when the fire extinguisher is not working properly by alerting the authority. Remote Control ZigBee have applications that are used in wireless remote controls, game Controllers, a wireless mouse for a personal computer, and many other applications An infrared (IR) conventional remote control communicates with televisions, DVDs, and other entertainment devices through infrared signals. There are limitations of IR remotes. One of the limitation is that IR remotes that provide only one-way communication from the remote to the entertainment device. Also, IR signals do not have the ability to penetrate through the walls and other objects and it therefore require line of sight for its peroration properly. Radio frequency (RF) signals have the ability penetrate through walls and most objects. ZigBee is a suitable replacement technology for IR technology in remote controls as it is low cost and has long battery. ZigBee can be used to create a two way communication between the remote control and the entertainment device. For example, song information or on-screen programming options can be directly fed in to the remote itself, even when the remote control is not in the same room as the entertaining device. Healthcare One of applications of ZigBee in the healthcare industry is to monitor a Patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s vital health information remotely. For example a patient is staying at his home but for him it is important that his physician monitor his blood pressure and heart rate regularly continuously. A ZigBee network has the ability to collect the data from various sensors that are connected to the patient. The 802.15.4 standard uses a 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) technology in order secure the data flow between ZigBee devices and other networks. A patient wears a ZigBee device that is interfaced with different sensors, such as a blood pressure sensor, which gathers the information from these sensors on a periodic basis. The received information is transmitted to a ZigBee gateway. A ZigBee gateway provides the interface between ZigBee and other types of networks, such as an Internet Protocol (IP) network. The patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s gathered information is then transmitted via Internet to a personal computer of a physician or nurse that they use to Monitor the patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s health status. This system could help hospitals in order to improve patient care and give some relieve hospital overcrowding by giving them the authority to monitor patients at home.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Slaughterhouse-Five Essays: Manipulation of Time and Place :: Slaughterhouse-Five Essays

Slaughterhouse Five - Manipulation of Time and Place Kurt Vonnegut's manipulation of time and place adds a science- fiction element to Slaughterhouse-Five. Structarally, the novel is far from traditional. Billy Pilgrim, the protagonist, jumps from place to place and is in a constant time warp while on the planet Tralfamadore. Since Vonnegut uses the planet Tralfamadore and the Tralfamadorian people to take Billy from place to place and time frame to time frame, in the novel he constantly respects the phrase "So it goes," which describes the Tralfamadorians' view of death. Vonnegut's manipulation of time and place is definitely unusual. Billy, an optometrist in Ilium, New York, finds himself "time tripping" with the people on Tralfamadore. To the Tralfamadorians time does not exist. Billy can be on Tralfamadore for years, while only being absent from earth for a microsecond (26). Billy's "time tripping" also allows Vonnegut to join the three main settings and experiences of the book: the horrors of the war and Dresden, Billy's normal life in Illim, and his time on Tralfamadore. Billy has no control over his being in a time warp. In the midst of his life in New York he will suddenly find himself Tralfamadore; he has become "unstuck in time" ( 22). The Tralfamadorians eventually show Billy the important moments of his life, but they do not always show them in sequence. They do this so Billy can fully understand the true reasons for and the importance of the events. Vonnegut also uses this tactic of time manipulation. He tells and shows the occurrences of Billy's life in a juxtaposed manner which parallels the "time tripping." The "time tripping" and being "unstuck in time" allow Vonnegut to present the events of the war in a sequence through which they would have the greatest impact on the reader. Vonnegut's manipulation of time and place in Slaughterhouse-Five allows him to use the phrase "So it goes" for special impact . The phrase appears after every death scene. It allows the bridge from death to life, and it also allows Vonnegut to change the time frame or place of the action. According to one source, the phrase "So it goes" appears in the novel over 100 times (Boomhower).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Rise and Fall of Enron

The meteoric rise and fall of Enron is one of the most notorious tales in the history of corporate America. Enron was the seventh-largest company in the United States in 2000 and ‘Fortune' magazine had declared it as America's â€Å"most innovative company† for six straight years; its share price had climbed from $ 10 a share in 1991 to over $ 90 a share in August 2000 while its revenue jumped to more than $100 billion. (â€Å"Rise and Fall of an Energy Giant†) No one could have predicted that before the end of the following year the â€Å"rising star† of corporate America would be filing for bankruptcy, shaking investor confidence to the core and signalling the end of the longest bull-run in the American stock exchange's history. The ramifications of the dramatic collapse still reverberate in global financial and energy markets as well the U.S. courts, where a number of former Enron managers face serious criminal charges. This fairy tale rise and ignominious fall of Enron is the subject of this paper. The Pipeline and Energy Company: Enron Corporation was formed as a result of a 1985 merger of Houston Natural Gas (HNG) and InterNorth-a Nebraska based gas pipeline company. Kenneth Lay, CEO of HNG, became Enron's first CEO and proceeded to make it the first nationwide natural gas pipeline. Enron soon became involved in in the transmission and distribution of electricity in addition to gas in the US as well as the development, construction, and operation of power plants and pipelines worldwide. Its profits were, however, modest as in those days, energy was a government-sanctioned monopoly. (Lindstorm) Taking Advantage of Deregulation: Things began to change as the gas and electricity sectors were deregulated by the early 1990s. Kenneth Lay decided to take advantage of the deregulation and hired Jeffery Skilling a young consultant with a banking and liability management background, in 1990-making him the CEO of a new division in Enron- the Enron Finance Corp. The duo proceeded to transform Enron from a ‘boringly predictable' and regulated Gas Company into one of the largest energy traders in the US that would eventually dominate the trading of energy contracts and financial instruments known as derivatives. Trading Becomes the Mantra: As Enron's revenues sky-rocketed in its initial forays into wholesale buying and selling of gas and electricity, Skilling was emboldened to extend the trading concept into almost any commodity that could be traded, i.e., futures contracts in coal, paper, steel, water and even weather. Taking advantage of the growing use of the Internet, Enron started Enron Online (EOL) in October 1999-an electronic commodities trading Web site that was hugely successful almost overnight. Skilling hired the brightest talent from the top MBA schools and turned them into high-flying traders with incentives to â€Å"eat what they killed.† (Thomas, para on â€Å"The Best, the Brightest†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) While the company grew rapidly through the 1990s, â€Å"some of the worst manifestations of its culture-obsessions with bonuses, the stock price and exotic accounting-were also growing, and out of control.† (Fowler, â€Å"Enron's Implosion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) Enron did make huge profits for a short while due to highly volatile energy prices, and there was widespread perception in the company about the unlimited potential of online trade and technology innovations such as the broadband. Things started to change in the late 1990s. Other energy companies such as Dynergy, Duke Energy, and El Paso had entered the field of energy trading and the competition started to eat into the huge profit margins of Enron. Other factors such as falling energy prices in early 2001, the approaching worldwide recession and the broadband bubble burst began to work against Enron's ‘dream' run. The company, in the meantime, had embarked on a culture of cutting trading deals that had a momentum of its own that was hard to stop. Disregarding Ethics: Ethics at Enron was put on the back-burner as its corporate culture was focused on making â€Å"deals† and increasing Enron's share value. Skilling was relentless in his push for creativity and competitiveness, giving rise to â€Å"a growth-at-any-cost culture,† overriding all checks and balances, and suppressing all voices of caution. (Fowler) Its ‘ethics' was personified by Kenneth Lay's exercising of his stock options and pocketing profits, even as he was promoting Enron shares as a bargain to employees. It was also reflected in the action of some Enron executives who pressurized a brokerage company to take action against a broker who advised some Enron workers to sell their shares. (Wee, â€Å"Corporate Ethics†) Dubious Accounting: It was hardly surprising, therefore, that several Enron resorted to â€Å"innovative† accounting practices to show inflated profits and hiding their losses. Under Andrew Fastow (Enron's Chief Financial Officer) personal guidance, the company made use of thousands of Special Purpose Entities (SPEs), some of them owned by Fastow himself, to â€Å"park† its troubled assets that were falling in value, so that the balance sheet continued to show growing profits. Conflict of Interest: Despite serious accounting irregularities, no one was prepared to blow the whistle because of conflicts of interest of several key players. Enron's auditor, Arthur Anderson was also its consultant and stood to gain from ‘seeing no evil'; Kenneth Lay was busy exercising his stock options before the share value fell. J.P. Morgan, while underwriting bonds for Enron, was involved in trading derivatives contracts with the company and had a substantial share in Enron stock. Andrew Fastow was making millions in profits by doing business with the firm through secret limited partnerships. As a result, although the fall of Enron when it filed for bankruptcy in December 2001 seemed stunningly sudden to most people, conditions for the collapse had been brewing for a long time.